. > Occupation: Housewife

Hand Embroiery on cotton, folder
17" x 11"
Hand Embroiery on cotton, folder
17" x 11"
Misfortune Cookies
Hand Embroidery on cotton
Hand Embroidery on cotton
3.25" x 3.25"
Artist: Unemployed
Hand Embroidery on canvas
22" x 33.5"
Artist: Unemployed, detail
Hand Embroidery on canvas
22" x 33.5"

A series of hand embroidered pieces that are shown with the works from the Artist: Unemployed series.

They also relate to the mental, practical, and financial consequences of being unemployed. The pieces in this series explore these issues through a tedious media that is historically associated with women who stay at home and have a lot of time on her hands.